
May'23 - Introducing Webhooks

May'23 🔨

What's New? 🌟

We have exciting news for you. We are going to launch Webhooks in a few weeks from now. 🚀


BASIQ Webhooks

What is a Webhook?

A webhook is a reverse API, or server to server push notification. They work by sending out an HTTP request to a specified endpoint when an event is triggered. This makes webhooks ideal for integrating two applications. Webhooks are a way for Basiq to notify your application when certain events occur in our system. This allows your application to react in real-time to changes in our solution without needing to constantly poll our APIs for updates.

What is API Polling?

API polling is the process of repeatedly sending requests to the same endpoint and comparing subsequent responses you receive to determine if there is updated information.

Why use Webhooks?

Webhooks are a powerful way to integrate your application with other applications or services in real-time. Instead of manually polling for updates or changes, webhooks allow your application to automatically receive notifications or data when specific events occur.

Using webhooks can save you time and resources, improve your application's performance and enhance its functionality. With webhooks, your application can stay up-to-date with changes or events in other applications or services, and trigger actions based on the data received.

The Beta docs are coming soon. Stay tuned for more updates ⚓

If you have any questions or queries, please reach out to us by clicking on the bottom right chat option or email us at [email protected].