
October '22

October '22 :partly-sunny:

:fireworks: What's new?

Introducing FAQ's in BASIQ Documentation

We are introducing FAQ's in our documentations for our partners to open discussions. Please feel free to open a thread and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Introducing Creating Payment Sandbox and Production applications via BASIQ Dashboard.

Our Partners can now Create Payment Sandbox and Production applications (or edit existing ones). Whenever a Payments Production app is created, please contact us on [email protected] to the team to proceed with your application enablement.


Payments: Head over to the dashboard to check it out

Consent UI Updates

Partners can now pass a connectionId parameter in the URL to initiate a credential update flow. This only works for non-CDR connections.

Users will now see their previous connections pinned to the top. If a user taps on a CDR connection that they already exists, an :information_source: popup will appear


You can read more about the consent UI and other actions available here