
Jan '24 - API & Dashboard updates

Latest Updates :christmas-tree:

Enhancements :snowflake:

Organisation Name Update: Partners now have the ability to update the Organisation name within the Organisation settings. This feature enhances customisation and control for partners over their dashboard settings.

Password Security Enhancement: To improve security, the dashboard registration process now requires a password with a minimum length of 12 characters. This change is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure the highest level of security and protection for our users.

Report Generation Speed Improvement: The speed of generating reports has been significantly improved, especially for reports without transactions included. This optimisation ensures a more efficient and smoother user experience when handling large sets of data.

Bug Fixes :anchor:

Timezone Issue Resolution: Resolved a critical issue where Partners from certain timezones were unable to generate a Report with today's end date. This fix ensures that all users, regardless of their geographic location, have consistent and reliable access to report generation features.

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.