
July '24 - API & Consent UI Updates

We're thrilled to announce significant improvements to the Basiq API & Consent UI.

New Features 🌟

Consent History in Consent UI - Manage Action

On the Consent Management screen, you can now view the history of previously expired/revoked consents. Additionally, if you trigger action=manage with no active consent, a list of all previously revoked or expired consents will be displayed. You can read more here.

Enhancements ✨

DH Authorization Errors in the Jobs Endpoint

Enhanced Error Reporting: If the DH authorization flow is not successfully completed by the user (e.g., user cancels the flow or encounters other DH-related issues), the error details are now exposed in the jobs endpoint. This helps our partners better understand the issues.

Basiq Connect (AuthUI)

Read more here.

ConsentUI - Trusted Adviser

We have updated the appearance of the Trusted Adviser (TA) banner and popup for a more streamlined and user-friendly experience. Additionally, we have added a TA disclaimer message above the consent confirmation button to provide clearer information and improve the overall transparency of the consent process. You can read more here.

Stay Updated 📢

If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.