
Nov '23 - Introducing action=reauthorise

We are excited to announce the release of an enhanced action=reauthorise parameter, designed to improve the user experience and simplify consent management within the Basiq platform. The update includes a streamlined process for extending consent periods and addressing issues related to close-to-expiry connections.

Key Features:

Expiring Soon Connections:

Open banking connections with an expiryDate less than 7 days away are now conveniently categorised under the 'Expiring soon' section.

Simplified renewal process:

Once you see a renew button and click on it, you will be redirected to the data holder to extend the duration of your connections for the currently shared account. You may wish to extend sharing for the currently shared account or stop sharing it.

We believe these updates will enhance your interaction with the Basiq platform, providing a more efficient and user-friendly reauthorisation process. You can continue reading in our documentation here.

Thank you for your continued support!