Oct'24 - New Features & Updates
4 months ago by Ashman Malik
We are excited to share the latest updates and improvements we've made to the API, dashboard and Basiq Connect in October 2024. These updates focus on enhancing user experience, improving connectivity, and providing more accurate data insights. Here's what's new:
Enhanced Consent Management in Dashboard & Basiq Connect
- 🆕 Consent Screen Refresh: The Basiq Dashboard consent request screen and Basiq Connect have been updated to improve user experience and expand functionality.
- 🔄 Unified Query Parameters: Basiq Connect now supports the same query parameters as the Basiq Consent UI. Dashboard users can now:
- Request consent extensions.
- Target specific institutions.
- Update consent settings or reauthorize existing connections.

Request Consent with various options
🎨 Customizable Purpose Selection UI
- Partners can now select from a list of predefined templates when specifying the purpose of their consent request.
🛠️ Want a unique purpose?
Partners can still add custom purposes by selecting the last option in the list.

Purpose with - Add a custom purpose at bottom
🧑🏫 Sandbox Personas & Use Cases Update
New Personas Added for Real-World Testing Scenarios:
- Wentworth-Smith (whislter): Joint account, stable income, mortgage, car loan.
- Whistler (ShowBox): Fortnightly salary, BNPL, large transfers, and minimal daily expenses.
- Gilfoyle (PiedPiper): Unemployment benefits, BNPL with late fees.
- gavinBelson (hooli2016): Salary + tutoring, personal loan, steady expenses.
- jared (django): Uber income, mortgage, volatile earnings.
- richard (tabsnotspaces): High stable income + rental, multiple credit accounts.
- ashMann (hooli2024): Salary + rental income, riskier spending patterns (gambling, crypto).
Use Cases Supported:
- Income verification, liability assessment, expense tracking, and personalized financial insights. For more details, check sandbox testing docs.
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Stay Updated 📢
If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.