A transaction object is created whenever money is debited or credited from a particular account.


Pending Transactions

  • Pending transactions are temporary and can be filtered (to exclude/include) via transaction status attribute
  • When a connection is refreshed pending transactions are deleted and reimported
  • It is recommended, not to store pending transactions, or delete them prior to a connection refresh, as they often change in amount, date and description.
  • When a connection is deleted and recreated, pending transactions are deleted from existing transaction data prior to retrieval of the latest data
  • Check out this article for more details on pending transactions.



Value is "transaction".


Uniquely identifies the transaction for this connection. Note that when a connection is refreshed pending transactions will receive new id's, whilst posted transactions will receive the same id's as before the refresh. Find out more about pending transaction


Identifies if a transaction is pending or posted. A pending transaction is an approved debit or credit transaction that has not been fully processed yet (i.e. has not been posted). Find out more about pending transaction and how to deal with them within your app. Note that pending transactions are not available for all institutions.


The transaction description as submitted by the institution.


Date the transaction was posted as provided by the institution (this is the same date that appears on a bank statement). This value is null if the record is pending. e.g. "2017-11-10T21:46:44Z" or 2017-11-10T00:00:00Z


Date that the user executed the transaction as provided by the istitution. Note that not all transactions provide this value (varies by institution) e.g. "2017-11-10T00:00:00Z"


Transaction amount. Outgoing funds are expressed as negative values.


Value of the account balance at time the transaction was completed.


Identifies if the transaction is of debit or credit type.


Describes the class(type) of transaction. Possible values depend on the direction field, and include:

Debit Classes:

  • bank-fee - a fee incurred by the user from their bank e.g. ATM withdrawal fee.

  • payment - payment made to a merchant.

  • cash-withdrawal - funds withdrawn via atm facility.

  • transfer - funds transferred to an account.

  • loan-interest - interest charged on a loan account.

Credit Classes:

  • refund - funds returned due to refund.

  • direct-credit - funds deposited into an account.

  • interest - interest earned.

  • transfer - funds received from an account.

  • loan-repayment - loan repayment credited to a loan account.


Attribute includes a code and title property. The subClass attribute will only return values for payment transactions (i.e. will be empty for all others) plus [new] bank fee transactions for those relating to account conduct such as account overdrawn and direct debit dishonours. Changelog and call-out below for examples.

  • *[new]** enrich
  • merchant - details relating to the store or merchant such as business name, website and contact details

  • location - details relating to the location of the entity such as address and geocode location

  • category - industry standard categorisation with a 4 level hierarchy for banking transactions

  • links - links to merchant logos

Example JSON provided, also see Enrich API for full details on attributes returned.

  • *For partners not enabled for Enrich API then this attribute returns null** - "enrich": null


The id of the account resource the transaction belongs to.


The id of the institution resource the transaction originated from.


This attribute is always null Changelog .


A links object containing the following members:

  • self link to the requested transaction

  • account link to the account

  • institution link to institution


Get more Enriched data via Transactions endpoint

Added ability to retrieve fully enriched data via Transactions endpoint for partners enabled for Enrich API . This means, no extra round trip to Enrich endpoint for each transaction. For partners not enabled for Enrich then the attribute will return null.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "type": "transaction",
  "id": "fx789e",
  "status": "posted",
  "description": "FLIGHT CENTRE CO    BRISB    QL",
  "postDate": "2017-08-01T00:00:00Z",
  "transactionDate": "",
  "amount": "-139.98",
  "balance": "356.50",
  "account": "s55bf3",
  "institution": "AU00101",
  "connection": "8fce3b",
  "enrich": null,
  "direction": "debit",
  "class": "payment",
  "subClass": {
    "code": "722",
    "title": "Travel Agency and Tour Arrangement Services"
  "links": {
    "self": "https://au-api.basiq.io/users/ea3a81/transactions/fx789e",
    "account": "https://au-api.basiq.io/users/ea3a81/accounts/s55bf3",
    "institution": "https://au-api.basiq.io/institutions/AU00101",
    "connection": null
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "type": "transaction",
  "id": "fx789e",
  "status": "posted",
  "amount": "-39.50",
  "account": "s55bf3",
  "balance": "567.53",
  "direction": "debit",
  "class": "payment",
  "institution": "AU00000",
  "connection": "0f198f59",
  "transactionDate": "",
  "postDate": "2021-01-25T00:00:00Z",
  "subClass": {
    "title": "Sports and Physical Recreation Activities",
    "code": "911"
  "enrich": {
    "merchant": {
      "businessName": "Ezidebit",
      "website": "http://www.ezidebit.com/",
      "phoneNumber": {
        "local": "1300 763 256",
        "international": "+61 1300 763 256"
    "location": {
      "routeNo": "480",
      "route": "St Pauls Terrace",
      "postalCode": "4006",
      "suburb": "Fortitude Valley",
      "state": "QLD",
      "country": "Australia",
      "formattedAddress": "480 St Pauls Terrace, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006",
      "geometry": {
        "lat": "-27.453115",
        "lng": "153.034106"
    "category": {
      "anzsic": {
        "division": {
          "code": "R",
          "title": "Arts and Recreation Services"
        "subdivision": {
          "code": "91",
          "title": "Sports and Recreation Activities"
        "group": {
          "code": "911",
          "title": "Sports and Physical Recreation Activities"
        "class": {
          "code": "9111",
          "title": "Health and Fitness Centres and Gymnasia Operation"
    "links": {
      "logo-master": "https://enrich-enrichmerchantslogobucket-6or17iuhdvs9.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/guzman_y_gomez-master.svg",
      "logo-thumb": "https://enrich-enrichmerchantslogobucket-6or17iuhdvs9.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/guzman_y_gomez-thumb.svg"
  "links": {
    "self": "https://au-api.basiq.io/users/ea3a81/transactions/fx789e",
    "account": "https://au-api.basiq.io/users/ea3a81/accounts/s55bf3",
    "institution": "https://au-api.basiq.io/institutions/AU00000",
    "connection": null


Bank fee subclass - account conduct indications

To provide meta data for bank fee transactions for transaction accounts only (account.accountType = transaction) - to indicate account conduct or red flags

  • overdrawn - indicating overdrawn or overlimit fee
  • dishonour - indicating direct debit dishonour fee
  • late - indicating a late payment fee
  • interest - indicating interest charged on a transaction account
"class": "bank-fee",
 "subClass": {
   "code": "overdrawn",
    title": "bank fee debited for account overdrawn on limit"
"class": "bank-fee",
"subClass": {
   "code": "dishonour",
   "title": "bank fee debited for payment dishonour"
"class": "bank-fee",
"subClass": {
   "code": "late",
   "title": "bank fee debited for late payment"
"class": "bank-fee",
"subClass": {
   "code": "interest",
   "title": "bank fee debited for interest"
"class": "bank-fee",
"subClass": null,