
Below you will find details for our various response codes.

too-many-sandbox-connectionsLimit reached for sandbox connections
You have reached the limit for sandbox connections. Reach out to [email protected] to reset your account.
invalid-credentialsInvalid Attribute
Cannot login to target institution using supplied credentials. Please check credentials and try again.
Introduced new granularity for invalid-credentials code. These are the possible title and detail scenarios for invalid-credentials - see JSON examples

invalid-credentials - existing generic title and detail message, fallback where no cases match from below

[new] title and detail message for: invalid-username-or-password

[new] title and detail message for: locked-account

[new] title and detail message for: multi-factor-authentication
internal-server-errorServer Error
Internal server error
All endpoints
access-deniedAccess denied
Token has expired
Invalid authorization token. Check details message.
parameter-not-suppliedMissing Attribute
Required parameter not supplied. Check details and source message.
e.g. One of 'email' or 'mobile' is required.
parameter-not-validInvalid Attribute
Parameter value is not valid. Check details and source message.
e.g. Provided mobile is in bad format.
User ID value is not valid
resource-not-foundInvalid Attribute
Requested resource is not found. Check details message.
resource-already-existsInvalid Attribute
Resource already exists. Check details message.
invalid-contentInvalid Attribute
Invalid request content. Check details message.
e.g. empty request body
unsupported-content-typeInvalid Attribute
Requested content type is not supported.
unsupported-acceptInvalid Attribute
Accept type is not supported.
service-unavailableService Unavailable
Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
too-many-requestsService Unavailable
Request rate limit per connection reached. Follow detail message for futher instructions.
method-not-allowedNot Allowed
Requested method is not allowed.
Unauthorized access.
Invalid authorization request. Check details message.
Please contct us to have your API key enabled for Connections.
Partner has permission to access Sandbox data only. For accessing live Institution data, please contact us via Intercom or email.
account-not-accessible-requires-user-actionNot Accessible
An action is required from end-user before account details can be returned.
maintenance-errorNot Accessible
Requested resource is currently unavailable due to maintenance on Institution's side.
forbidden-accessForbidden access
Access to this resource is forbidden
institution-not-supportedInstitution is not supported
e.g. Institution AU00000 is not supported on this endpoint
request-not-validRequest not valid (403)
There have been too many requests for the token endpoint within a 5 minute period from a specific IP address.
bank-statement-new-productPDF Bank statement new product
title : "New product requires config."
detail: "Unable to recognise statement product name."
note: requires configuration of product name to account type mapping is missing
bank-statement-parsing-errorPDF Bank statement parsing error
title : "Unable to parse statement."
detail: "Error parsing statement due to new statement layout for this product."
bank-statement-not-supportedPDF bank statement not supported
title : "Statement not supported."
detail : "Statement is not currently supported for this institution - check statement uploaded against correct bank."
bank-statement-invalidPDF bank statement invalid
title : "Invalid bank statement."
detail : "File uploaded is not an official PDF bank statement."
missing-required-fieldCSV missing required field
CSV header does not contain required field
missing-required-field-valueCSV missing required field value
CSV row does not contain value for required field
invalid-field-valueCSV invalid field value
Field value is not valid
account-data-differsCSV account data differs
Data for single account differs across rows
empty-fileCSV empty file
CSV file has no data rows
row-count-exceededCSV row count exceeded
CSV row count is above limit
invalid-request-contentPDF/CSV invalid request content (file type)
Statement is not valid
request-not-validPDF/CSV Invalid request
Request too long
Handling Invalid Credentials

invalid-credentials - existing generic title and detail for fallback, where no cases match from below

  "title": "verify-credentials",
  "status": "failed",
  "result": {
    "code": "invalid-credentials",
    "title": "Cannot login to target institution, check credentials.",
    "detail": "Cannot login to target institution using supplied credentials. Please check credentials and try again."
invalid-credentials - title and detail for scenario: invalid-username-or-password

  "title": "verify-credentials",
  "status": "failed",
  "result": {
    "code": "invalid-credentials",
    "title": "Cannot login to target institution: invalid username or password.",
    "detail": "Cannot login to target institution: invalid username or password. Please check credentials and try again."
invalid-credentials - title and detail for scenario: locked-account

  "title": "verify-credentials",
  "status": "failed",
  "result": {
    "code": "invalid-credentials",
    "title": "Cannot login to target institution: this account is locked.",
    "detail": "Cannot login to target institution: this account is locked. Please contact institution directly."
invalid-credentials - title and detail for scenario: multi-factor-authentication

  "title": "verify-credentials",
  "status": "failed",
  "result": {
    "code": "invalid-credentials",
    "title": "Cannot login to target institution: multi-factor authentication is not supported.",
    "detail": "Cannot login to target institution: multi-factor authentication is not supported. Please check if multi-factor authentication is enabled on login."