Quickstart: code free
No programming experience? No worries! Get a feel for the full suite of Basiq products without writing a single line of code thanks to our Postman collection.
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The following guide will help you to get up and running with the Basiq API without writing any application code. It uses [Postman](https://www.postman.com) and is suitable for both technical and non-technical audiences.
If you would prefer to integrate your application with the API directly, and aren't afraid to get your hands dirty writing some code, you might be more interested in our [Quickstart](ref:quickstart-part-1-1).
> 🚧 Postman app required
> Postman is an API development tool which gives users a platform to make requests to any API. It's often used by developers to test out their own API's, however many of their consumers come from a non-technical background wanting to interact with a public API. We have curated a Postman collection for this use case, which features all of our API endpoints and makes it simple to get up and running using the platform.
> If you don't already have the app you can [download it here.](https://www.getpostman.com/downloads)
## STEP 1: Register
<img align="left" src="https://files.readme.io/546c6d2-Group_7_1.svg" />
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Register your application via our [dashboard](https://dashboard.basiq.io/) and create a new API key under the Developers tab. <br />
> 📘 API Keys
> You can create as many API keys as you want, which allows you to use keys across different applications and environments. It’s a good idea to give each API key a meaningful name in order to differentiate between them.
> Make sure you copy and save the key we give you straight away, as it will only be exposed it in full once. Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secret!
## STEP 2: Grab our sample code
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Go to [our sample code](https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/16249946/UV5deuuH) (also known as the Postman Collection) and click Run in Postman:
<Image width="80%" src="https://files.readme.io/d674435-postmanstep7.png" />
*Make sure you select the Postman app that was installed earlier (the option will display your operating system, e.g. Mac/Windows).*
<Image width="80%" src="https://files.readme.io/4f282a8-postmanStep8" />
## STEP 3: Authenticate
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In Postman click on the menu options [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 3 ] & [ 4 ]
\[ 5 ] Then replace XXXXXX with the API Key you generated via the dashboard in Step 1
\[ 6 ] Click Save
\[ 7 ] Repeat these steps for the client authenticate request
<Image width="smart" src="https://files.readme.io/9e28aa6-postman9.png" />
> 📘 Your access token will last an hour
> Don't forget: Your access token will expire every 60 minutes, so refresh as you need to.
#### Testing the collection
Before you start making calls to the API, it's a good idea to run the tests to ensure everything is in working order.
To run the tests, simply click Run from the collection menu:
<Image width="80%" src="https://files.readme.io/4ec6f15-postmanstep10.png" />
The Collection Runner window will open. Click Run:
<Image width="80%" src="https://files.readme.io/105b527-postmanstep11.png" />
You will then see the results in the "Collection Runner" window.

## STEP 4: Make your calls
Basiq's full suite of products are available when you use the Postman collection, ready for you start making requests!
In order to connect to Basiq's test banks, you will need to use the sandbox user logins. You can find the credentials for all scenarios [here](ref:connect-api).
**Note:** You are free to make as many request as you like, however we cap the connections for sandbox users at 500 per account. If you would like to increase this quote, please email us at [support@basiq.io](mailto:support@basiq.io).
> 📘 Environment Variables
> You will notice our Postman collection uses lots of environment variables. These are set with postman scripts and are all set automatically so you don't need to worry about copying and pasting for each request.
Updated 3 months ago