HTTP errors per endpoint

POST /token

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
403Your account has been disabled. Please contact Basiq support.Get in touch with the Customer Success to enable your account.
500Internal server errorThere has been some internal error, possibly within the AWS architecture. You'll have to try again and seek assistance from Customer Success if it continues.
400Authorization header parameter is requiredProvide a valid key-value pair {"Authorization" : " Basic YOUR_API_KEY" } inside request header.
400Version 0.9 is no longer supported. Please upgrade to the latest versionProvide a valid basiq-version (2.0 - 2.1)
400Basiq-version must be specified in HTTP request headerProvide a valid basiq-version (2.0 - 2.1)
404Unable to authenticate. Please, check your API keyProvide a valid authorization header. This can happen if your API key is deleted, or your application is deleted, or if you use API key from dev environment in production.
400Invalid authorization headerProvide a valid key-value pair {"Authorization" : " Basic YOUR_API_KEY" } inside request header.
403Invalid requestForbidden. There have been too many requests for the token endpoint within a 5 minute period from a specific IP address.

POST /users

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide a key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header and provide key-value pair "email" : " your email" or "mobile" : "your mobile" or both inside request body
400Posted user is not in valid format.Provide valid key-value pair inside request body
400One of 'email' or 'mobile' is required.Provide key-value pair "email" : " your email" or "mobile" : "your mobile" or both inside request body
400Provided email is in bad format.Provide correct format of email inside request body
400Provided mobile is in bad format.Provide correct format of mobile inside request body
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Accept type is not supportedProvide a valid accept header
400Business name is required when business number is provided.Provide business name
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Try again later, and if problem persists reach out to Customer Success
400Posted user is not in valid format.Provide a valid format of posted user

GET /users/{userId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide a key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header and provide key-value pair "email" : " your email" or "mobile" : "your mobile" or both inside request body
400User ID value is not validCheck you are providing a valid userId in the URL
404Requested user does not exist.userId does not exist... Provide correct userId in URL
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept type
401You are not authorized to access this resourceEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the userId in the URL
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Contact Customer Success

POST /users/{userId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
400One of 'email' or 'mobile' is required.Provide email OR mobile in request body
400"Provided mobile is in bad format."Provide correct format of mobile phone in request body
400Provided email is in bad format.Provide correct format of email in request body
401Invalid authorization token.Provide authorization in request header
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userId in URL
403Token has expiredGet a new access token from '/token' endpoint
403Access to this resource is forbidden`Incorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
400User ID not suppliedProvide userId
400Posted user is not in valid format.Provide a valid userId
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Contact Customer Success
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Please try again. If problem persists get in touch with Customer Success.

DELETE /users/{userId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
403Missing Authentication TokenProvide authorization token in request header
404`Requested user does not exist.'This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userId in URL
401Invalid authorization token.Provide authorization in request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
400User ID not supplied`Provide userID
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Please wait 5 minutes and try again. If problem persists please contact Customer Success

POST /users/{userId}/connections

Status codeResponse bodyAction
401Invalid authorization token.provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
400Login ID parameter is required.Provide valid {"loginId" }inside request body
400Password parameter is required.Provide valid {"password" } inside request body
400Institution ID parameter is required.Provide valid {"institutionId"} inside request body
400Posted connection is not in valid format.Provide valid request body, not empty body
415Content type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide content type
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400Requested institution does not exist.Provide a valid institutionId
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
401Unauthorized accessEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the userId in the URL
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userId
403Please contact us to have your API key enabled for Connections.You currently only have a sandbox account and need to be enabled for live data before you can connect real institutions. Please contact Customer Support to do so.
404Requested resource is not foundThis user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400`The institution you are trying to connect to is currently disabled. Our developers have been notified and are working to have the issue resolved.We are having issues with this institution and are working on it. You can check the status of it using the status page on your dashboard.
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Service is unavailable. Please try again in 5 minutes. If the issue persists please contact Customer Success.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please try again in 5 minutes. If the issue persists please contact Customer Success.
403Limit reached for sandbox connections.Sandbox connections are limited and you have reached that limit. Please reach out to CS to increase your limit.

GET /users/{userId}/connections

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
400User ID not suppliedProvide a userId
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Try again in 5 minutes. If problem persists contact customer success.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Contact the customer success team,

POST /users/{userId}/connections/refresh

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
400User ID not suppliedProvide userId parameter
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userId
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact support.

GET /jobs/{jobId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400Job ID value is not validProvide a valid jobId
404Requested resource is not foundThis job is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
400Job ID not suppliedProvide a jobId
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.

GET /users/{userId}/jobs

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
404Cause: Invalid version for endpoint Body: Route not found for this API version.

POST /users/{userId}/connections/{connectionId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
403Invalid requestProvide a valid userId in URL. This error can happen if you don't provide userId in URL (for example /users//connections/connectionId)
400Connection ID value is not validProvide a valid connectionId in URL, it may be formatted incorrectly.
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
415Content type invalid-content-type is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid content type
401Unauthorized accessEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the resources in the URL
400Posted connection is not in valid format.Provide valid request body, not empty body
400Password value is not validPlease provide correctly formatted password
404Requested resource is not foundThis connection is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400Connection type is not WebThe connection type is not web so this is not supported.
400Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400`The institution you are trying to connect to is currently disabled. Our developers have been notified and are working to have the issue resolved.We are having issues with this institution and are working on it. You can check the status of it using the status page on your dashboard.
404Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Please try again. If problem persists get in touch with Customer Success.

DELETE /users/{userId}/connections/{connectionId}

400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
403Invalid requestProvide a valid userId in URL
400Connection ID value is not validProvide a valid connectionId in URL
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Connection ID not suppliedProvide connection ID
404Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Please try again. If problem persists get in touch with Customer Success.

GET /users/{userId}/connections/{connectionId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
400Connection ID value is not validProvide a valid connectionId in URL
404Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
401Unauthorized accessEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the resources in the URL
400Connection ID not suppliedProvide connection ID
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Please try again. If problem persists get in touch with Customer Success.

POST /users/{userId}/connections/{connectionId}/refresh

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400Connection ID not suppliedProvide a connectionId in URL
400Connection ID value is not validProvide a valid connectionId in URL
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
404Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400Connection type is not WebConnection type is not valid therefore not compatible.
400Cannot login to target institution using supplied credentials. Please check credentials and try again.The credentials are invalid. This could be because a user has changed their password. You may need to prompt user to resupply new credentials.
403Please contact us to have your API key enabled for Connections.You currently only have a sandbox account and need to be enabled for live data before you can connect real institutions. Please contact Customer Support to do so.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Please try again. If problem persists get in touch with Customer Success.

GET /users/{userId}/accounts

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
404Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400Requested connection does not exist.This can occur if the connection type is not "web"
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success

GET /users/{userId}/accounts/{accountId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
400Account ID value is not validProvide a valid accountId in URL
404Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID in URL
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
400Account ID not suppliedProvide valid accountId
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success

GET /users/{userId}/transactions

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID in URL
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
400Next value is not validProvide a valid value for parameter next in URL
400Limit value is not validProvide a valid value for parameter limit in URL
400Maximum limit allowed is 500Provide a value for parameter limit that is not greater than 500
400PostDate is not validProvide a valid value for parameter PostDate
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success

GET /users/{userId}/transactions/{transactionId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
400User ID not suppliedProvide userId in URL
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID in the URL
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400Transaction ID value is not validProvide valid transactionId in URL
404Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
400Transaction ID not suppliedProvide transaction ID in URL
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Please try again. If problem persists get in touch with Customer Success.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success

POST /users/{userId}/affordability

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
404Requested resource is not foundThese accounts are unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
401Unauthorized accessEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the resources in the URL
400Dates not in valid format. Date has to be in yyyy-mm-dd formatProvide a valid dates format in yyyy-mm-dd format
400fromDate not in valid format. Date has to be in yyyy-mm-dd formatProvide a valid dates format in yyyy-mm-dd format
400toDate not in valid format. Date has to be in yyyy-mm-dd formatProvide a valid toDate format in yyyy-mm-dd format
400toDate must be be after or equal to fromDateEnsure you are sendign a
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success
400User's accounts contains mixed currenciesUser's accounts contains mixed currencies which is causing issues with aggregation. Remove these accounts

GET /users/{userId}/affordability/{snapshotId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
400Snapshot ID value is not validProvide a valid snapshotId in URL
400Accept type is not supportedProvide a valid accept type
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
401Unauthorized accessEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the resources in the URL
400Snapshot ID value is not suppliedMissing snapshotId, please provide.
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success
403Please contact us to have your API key enabled for Income Summary.You are not enabled for this feature. Please contact Customer Success to have this enabled.
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Please try again. If problem persists get in touch with Customer Success.

POST users/{userId}/income

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
401Unauthorized accessEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the resources in the URL
400Dates not in valid format. Date has to be in yyyy-mm-dd formatProvide a valid dates format in yyyy-mm-dd format
400fromDate not in valid format. Date has to be in yyyy-mm-dd formatProvide a valid dates format in yyyy-mm-dd format
400toDate not in valid format. Date has to be in yyyy-mm-dd formatProvide a valid toDate format in yyyy-mm-dd format
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
404Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
403Please contact us to have your API key enabled for Income Summary.You are not enabled for this feature. Please contact Customer Success to have this enabled.
400User's accounts contains mixed currenciesUser's accounts contains mixed currencies which is causing issues with aggregation. Remove these accounts
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success

GET /users/{userId}/income/{snapshotId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
400Snapshot ID value is not validProvide a valid snapshotId in URL
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.provide a valid accept type
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
401Unauthorized accessEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the resources in the URL
400Snapshot ID value is not suppliedMissing snapshotId, please provide in URL
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
404Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found as the user does not have any accounts.
403Please contact us to have your API key enabled for Income Summary.You are not enabled for this feature. Please contact Customer Success to have this enabled.
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success

POST /users/{userId}/expenses

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
400Accept type is not supportedProvide a valid accept type
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
401Unauthorized accessEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the resources in the URL
400Dates not in valid format. Date has to be in yyyy-mm-dd formatProvide a valid dates format in yyyy-mm-dd format
400fromDate not in valid format. Date has to be in yyyy-mm-dd formatProvide a valid dates format in yyyy-mm-dd format
400toDate not in valid format. Date has to be in yyyy-mm-dd formatProvide a valid toDate format in yyyy-mm-dd format
404Requested resource is not foundThis resource is unable to be found as the user does not have any accounts.
403Please contact us to have your API key enabled for Income Summary.You are not enabled for this feature. Please contact Customer Success to have this enabled.
400User's accounts contains mixed currenciesUser's accounts contains mixed currencies which is causing issues with aggregation. Remove these accounts
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success

GET users/{userId}/expenses/{snapshotId}

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
400Snapshot ID value is not validProvide a valid snapshotId in URL
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
401Unauthorized accessEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the resources in the URL
400Snapshot ID value is not suppliedMissing snapshotId, please provide in URL
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
400Invalid expenses snapshot ID providedInvalid snapshotId, please check the value you are providing
404User doesn't have any accountsUser does not have any accounts connected
403Please contact us to have your API key enabled for Income Summary.You are not enabled for this feature. Please contact Customer Success to have this enabled.

POST users/{userId}/statements

Status codeResponse title/detailAction
401Invalid authorization token.Provide key-value pair {"authorization" : " Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" } inside request header
403Token has expiredGet a new access token on /token endpoint
400User ID value is not validProvide a valid userID
400Statement is not validCheck you are providing either a valid statement file or an institutionId.
413Request Too LongThe statement you have provided is too large, try with something smaller.
400Institution AU00000 is not supported on this endpointChoose correct/compatible institution for statement upload
400Accept type application/json is not supported on requested endpoint.Provide a valid accept header
403Access to this resource is forbiddenIncorrect/missing scope set for the token you are using, You likely need to supply scope=SERVER_ACCESS. Make sure when you provide scope you are setting this in the body and not as a request header.
401Unauthorized accessEnsure you the token you're using is valid for use with the resources in the URL
404Requested user does not exist.This user is unable to be found. It may have been deleted or you may be using the incorrect API as resources are restricted to their designated applications.
403Please contact us to have your API key enabled for Income Summary.You are not enabled for this feature. Please contact Customer Success to have this enabled.
400User's accounts contains mixed currenciesUser's accounts contains mixed currencies which is causing issues with aggregation. Remove these accounts
500Internal server error. Please contact support.Please contact Customer Success
503Service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.Please try again. If problem persists get in touch with Customer Success.