
Reporting API

The Reporting API for Consumer Affordability is a powerful tool designed to provide lenders with comprehensive insights into the financial health and affordability of their customers. Leveraging a combination of data from various sources including Consumer Data Rights (CDR), Web connectors, and Statement uploads, this feature enables lenders to make informed lending decisions while ensuring regulatory compliance and enhancing the overall customer experience.

Key Features:

Access to Data Sources:

  • Future-proof your solution by accessing data from Consumer Data Rights (CDR), Web connectors, and Statement uploads.
  • Seamlessly transition from screen scraping to Open Banking as banks adopt newer data access methods.

Extensive Data Library:

  • Access thousands of data points, over 60 groups, 50+ metrics, and more than 500 merchant categories for comprehensive reporting.

Comprehensive Transaction Data Access:

  • Gain access to over 12 months of transaction data from multiple financial institutions, offering a detailed view of a customer’s financial health.

Advanced Data Categorisation:

  • Enriched transaction details including merchant, location, and category, with expenses categorised into more than 500 categories based on ANZSIC classifications for detailed spend behavior analysis.

Customisable Reporting:

  • Generate custom reports tailored to meet unique decisioning criteria using a growing library of data points and metrics.

Enhanced Decisioning Tools:

  • Utilise an expanding set of groups and metrics to refine decision-making processes.

Consolidated Multi-Account Reporting:

  • Enable consolidated reporting across multiple bank accounts with integrated consent UI, allowing for individual or combined reports for multiple applicants.

Predefined Risk Flags:

Benefit from an extensive library of risk flags designed for comprehensive decisioning, aiding in identifying gaps in financial information for thorough and accurate assessments.

Powerful Enrichment Overlay Services:

Utilise machine learning for transaction cleansing and categorisation, enhancing data quality for deeper insights.

Allow Multiple Users in Reports:

  • Modification of API: The API will now accommodate requests for reports involving up to five users. Incorporate logic to manage requests with multiple users, ensuring avoidance of duplicate accounts.
  • Error Handling: Proper error messages will be returned if duplicate accounts are detected or if a user/account is entered more than once.

BASIQ Dashboard Demo to Support Multiple Users:

Export Options:

You can export reports in PDF or CSV formats for record-keeping and detailed transaction analysis. Currently, the option to export in CSV and PDF is only available via the API.

When you click on the Print option in the Insights reports, you can choose the "Save as PDF" option.

Bank Statement Export Capability:

Easily export bank statements to support lending decisions.


Video: Generating a Consumer Affordability Insights Report:

This video demonstrates how to generate a Consumer Affordability Insights report via the dashboard, providing a preview of the final PDF report.

Video: How Basiq's Reporting API Works:

An animated video showcasing how the reporting API cleans, normalizes, and enriches large datasets when integrated with customer applications.

Reports: Implementation Guide:

Detailed guide covering all steps required for successful implementation of the Basiq Affordability solution, including project steps and customer considerations.

You can also follow up our API reference here.

Reports: Groups & Metrics:

Customer-facing document displaying groups and metrics with definitions for the insights reporting solution.


ExpensesME015% of spend on discretionary expensespercentMean monthly spend on discretionary expenses as a percentage of total outgoings
ExpensesME013% of spend on non-discretionary expensespercentMean monthly spend on non-discretionary expenses as a percentage of total outgoings
ExpensesME034Average Outgoings monthlymoneyMean monthly total outgoings
ExpensesME039Average outgoings excluding liabilitiesmoneyMean monthly total outgoings excluding liability payments
ExpensesME014Monthly spend on discretionary expensesmoneyMean monthly spend on discretionary expenses
ExpensesME012Monthly spend on non-discretionary expensesmoneyMean monthly spend on non-discretionary expenses
ExpensesME016Monthly spend on other expensesmoneyMean monthly spend on other expenses
Financial CommitmentsME008Average monthly amountmoneyMean monthly repayments to lenders
Financial CommitmentsME009# of identified companiesintegerNumber of relationships with lending merchants
Financial CommitmentsME010Total credit card limitmoneyTotal limits on available credit card accounts
Financial CommitmentsME011Total credit card balancemoneyTotal of latest available balances on available credit card accounts
Financial CommitmentsME046Average monthly ongoing amount to lendersmoneyOngoing monthly repayments to lenders
Financial CommitmentsME048Ongoing Monthly Mortgage RepaymentmoneyProjected ongoing monthly mortgage repayments
Government ServicesME007Misc Government services monthlymoneyMean monthly income through government benefits other than Rental Assistance and Youth Allowance
Government ServicesME006Rental Assistance monthlymoneyMean monthly income from Rental Assistance
Government ServicesME005Youth Allowance monthlymoneyMean monthly income from Youth Allowance
SummaryME040Average Monthly CreditsmoneyMean monthly credits excluding internal transfers
SummaryME041Average Monthly DebitsmoneyMean monthly debits excluding internal transfers
Income SourcesME001# of identified salary sourcesintegerNumber of recent salary income sources
Income SourcesME002Average monthly amount from salarymoneyMean monthly amount from salary income sources over the reporting period
Income SourcesME003Salary has been stable for (months)integerNumber of months within report over which salary has been stable
Income SourcesME004Other possible income monthlymoneyMean monthly income from sources not covered within Salary and Benefits
Income SourcesME033Average Income monthlymoneyTotal forward looking monthly total income excluding tax, insurance, superannuation credits
Income SourcesME035Total Income has been stable for (months)integerNumber of months within report over which total income has been stable
Income SourcesME036Median monthly amount from SalarymoneyMedian of the monthly sum of transaction amounts for all transactions in Group INC009
Income SourcesME037Median Income monthlymoneySum of the individual group medians for all INC groups used in Metric ME033
Income SourcesME042# of recent income sourcesintegerNumber of recent income sources across all income groups
Income SourcesME043# of ongoing regular income sourcesintegerNumber of recent income sources across all income groups where an income frequency has been detected
Income SourcesME045Total Income has been secure for (months)integerNumber of months within report over which total ongoing income has been stable or improving (secure)
Risk FlagsME022Has recent changes to salary circumstancesbooleanIndicates new salary source in 2 months before end of reporting period or salary source stopping in 2 months prior to end of reporting period
Risk FlagsME023Has received crisis support paymentsbooleanIndicates if any crisis support income has been received during reporting period
Risk FlagsME024Has superannuation creditsbooleanIndicates if any superannuation income has been received during reporting period
Risk FlagsME025Has cash advancesbooleanIndicates cash withdrawals from credit card accounts during reporting period
Risk FlagsME026Has redrawsbooleanIndicates transfers from mortgage accounts during reporting period
Risk FlagsME027Has High-Cost FinancebooleanIndicates repayments (during reporting period) to lenders that may charge high interest rates
Risk FlagsME028Missing non-discretionary expenses: groceriesbooleanno instances of non-discretionary expenses: groceries detected
Risk FlagsME029Missing non-discretionary expenses: telecommunicationbooleanno instances of non-discretionary expenses: telecommunication detected
Risk FlagsME030Missing non-discretionary expenses: utilitiesbooleanno instances of non-discretionary expenses: utilities detected
Risk FlagsME031Has Unemployment BenefitbooleanIndicates if Jobseeker payments have been received
Risk FlagsME032Receives Child SupportbooleanIndicates if child support payments have been detected
Risk FlagsME047Has unshared mortgage accountbooleanIndicates if mortgage payments are detected without a mortgage account having been shared
Risk MetricsME019# of financial dishonoursintegerNumber of financial dishonour transactions detected during reporting period
Risk MetricsME017# of SACC loansintegerNumber of relationships with SACC lenders
Risk MetricsME020% of income spent on High Risk ActivitiespercentPercentage of income withdrawn at ATM's (including from credit cards), spent on gambling and credit card interest, and withdrawn via redraws
Risk MetricsME018% of income withdrawn via ATMpercentPercentage of income withdrawn as cash at ATM's over the reporting period
Risk MetricsME021Total spend on High Risk ActivitiesmoneyTotal withdrawn at ATM's (including from credit cards), spent on gambling and credit card interest, and withdrawn via redraws during reporting period


EXP-001ATM WithdrawalsCash withdrawals from all account types other than credit-cardOther Expenses, High Risk Activities
EXP-002AutomotiveAutomotive repair and service expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-003Cash AdvancesCash withdrawals from credit-cardsOther Expenses, High Risk Activities
EXP-004Childrens Retail and GamingToys and games expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-005Collection AgenciesRepayments to collection agenciesLiabilities
EXP-006Debt Interest AccrualDebit interest payments on credit-card and transaction accountsOther Expenses, High Risk Activities
EXP-007Department StoresDepartment store expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-008Dining OutCafe, restaurant and fast food expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-009DishonoursDishonour feesOther Expenses, High Risk Activities
EXP-010DonationsDonation expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-011Education and ChildcareEducational and childcare expensesNon-Discretionary Expenses
EXP-012EntertainmentEntertainment expenses including amusement parks, pubs, parks, artsDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-013External TransfersTransfers to non-shared accountsOther Expenses
EXP-014GamblingGambling expensesDiscretionary Expenses, High Risk Activities
EXP-015Government & Council ServicesPayments to government entitiesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-016GroceriesGroceries and food retailing expensesNon-Discretionary Expenses
EXP-017Gyms and membershipsPayments to gyms and fitness centresDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-018MedicalPayments for medical servicesNon-Discretionary Expenses
EXP-019Home ImprovementTrade service expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-020InsolvencyPayments to insolvency firmsLiabilities
EXP-021InsuranceInsurance payments including health, life, motor and generalNon-Discretionary Expenses
EXP-023Motor FinancePayments to vehicle lendersLiabilities
EXP-024Online RetailOnline retail expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-025Other FinancePayments to non-depository institutions including BNPL, payday lending, mortgage providers, and short term lendingLiabilities
EXP-026Peer to Peer FinancePayments to peer-to-peer lendersLiabilities
EXP-027Personal CarePersonal care expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-028Pet CarePayments to pet stores or vetsDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-029RedrawsAny debits from mortgage accountsOther Expenses, High Risk Activities
EXP-030RentRental paymentsNon-Discretionary Expenses
EXP-031RetailGeneral retail expenses including furniture, electronics, clothing, footwearDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-032Returns & RefundsRefunds (credits)Other Expenses
EXP-033Small Amount LendingPayments to SACC lendersLiabilities
EXP-035Subscription Media & SoftwarePayments for subscription mediaDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-036TelecommunicationTelecoms expensesNon-Discretionary Expenses
EXP-038TravelTravel expenses including hotels and flightsDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-039Uncategorised DebitsPayments not categorised by Basiq EnrichmentDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-040UtilitiesPayments to utility providers e.g. gas water and electricityNon-Discretionary Expenses
EXP-041Vehicle and TransportFuel and public transport expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-051Alcohol and TobaccoAlcohol and tobacco expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-052Sports and HobbiesPayments to sport retailers and sport clubsDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-054Other CategorisedOther categorised discretionary expenses not falling into any other discretionary groupsDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-055Clothing and FootwearClothing and footwear expensesDiscretionary Expenses
EXP-056Mortgage RepaymentsCredits on mortgage accountsLiabilities
EXP-057Loan RepaymentsCredits on loan accountsLiabilities
EXP-058Mortgage TransfersTransfers and Payments to mortgage accounts that have not been shared/declaredLiabilities
EXP-061Credit Card RepaymentsCredits on credit cardsLiabilities
EXP-062Credit Card TransfersTransfers and Payments to credit cards that have not been shared/declaredLiabilities
EXP-063Loan TransfersTransfers and Payments to loan accounts that have not been shared/declaredLiabilities
INC-001BenefitsGovernment benefit payments including Centrelink, youth allowance, jobseekerIncome
INC-002Child Support IncomeChild support incomeIncome
INC-003Insurance CreditsCredits from insurance companiesIncome
INC-004Interest IncomeInterest credits over $50 on any shared accountsIncome
INC-005Investment IncomeDividend incomeIncome
INC-006Other EarningsIncome sources not falling into other income groups where credits are over $300Income
INC-007Other CreditsIncome sources not falling into other income groups where credits are under $300Income
INC-008Rent & Board IncomeRental incomeIncome
INC-009SalarySalary income where credits are over $100 and salary keywords or phrases are detectedIncome
INC-010Superannuation CreditsSuperannuation creditsIncome
INC-012Youth AllowanceIncome from government youth allowance programIncome
INC-013Rental AssistanceIncome from government rental assistance programIncome
INC-014CentrelinkIncome from government Centrelink program - excludes any Centrelink income that may be specific to other groupsIncome
INC-015MedicareIncome from Medicare rebatesIncome
INC-016JobseekerIncome from government Jobseeker programIncome
INC-018PensionPension incomeIncome
INC-019CarersIncome from government carers assistance programIncome
INC-020EducationIncome from government education assistance programIncome
INC-021Crisis SupportIncome from government crisis support programIncome


The Report Consumer Affordability feature within Basiq Insights empowers lenders with robust tools and resources to assess consumer affordability accurately and efficiently. By leveraging a combination of advanced data analytics, comprehensive reporting, and user-friendly interfaces, Basiq Insights revolutionises lending practices, setting new standards for data-driven decision-making in the financial industry.


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